We have positively impacted the lives of over 1000 individuals and families by offering a range of essential services. Our organisation has provided countless hours of mental health support, including therapy and befriending, to help individuals struggling with issues such as isolation, depression, and anxiety. By offering this support, we have helped people overcome their challenges and improve their overall wellbeing.

In addition to mental health support, we have also distributed over 160 tonnes of surplus food, hundreds of hygiene packs, clothing, household items, and other essentials to those in need. Through these efforts, we have not only provided individuals with basic necessities but also helped alleviate the financial burden that many families face.

Our organisation has gone beyond meeting basic needs and has also offered support to individuals facing more complex challenges such as asylum experiences, unemployment, and access to other services. By providing this support, we have helped these individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

The social impact of our work extends far beyond the individuals and families we have directly supported. By providing essential services and support, we have helped create a more equitable society where everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive.

Our work has also raised awareness about important issues such as mental health, food waste and poverty, encouraging others to take action and make a positive difference in their communities.


Lucy's story- one example of our inclusive lived experience support 

The story of Lucy, a British woman living alone in her council flat is a powerful example of the transformative impact that the Wellness Tribe CIC can have on the lives of those who are struggling with depression, loneliness, and isolation.
When lucy reached out to us, she was facing significant challenges. She was struggling with her mental health and felt increasingly isolated and lonely.

Despite being on anti-depression medication, Lucy found it difficult to cope with the day-to-day challenges of her life.
Through the support of our organisation her life began to change. We provided her with a range of essential services, including lived experience support, food parcels, befriending, mentoring, and guidance.
Through the lived experience support, Lucy was able to connect with others who had gone through similar experiences, even though she came from a different ethnicity. This connection helped her to feel less alone and more connected to her community. It also allowed her to share her struggles with people who could relate and provide support.

The food parcels that Lucy received from us during the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns were also incredibly important. They helped to ease the financial burden that she was facing and provided her with the basic necessities that she needed to survive.
In addition to the practical support that we provided, we also offered befriending, mentoring, and guidance.

This helped Lucy to regain her confidence and develop a sense of direction and purpose in her life. With our help, she was able to solve problems that had previously seemed insurmountable.
Thanks to our support , Lucy's mental health has improved significantly, and she is no longer relying on anti-depression medication. She is doing better now, and she is grateful for the support that we provided during her time of need.

The story of this Lucy is just one example of the transformative impact that the Wellness Tribe CIC can have on the lives of those who are struggling.

Our range of essential services provides practical and emotional support that can make a significant difference in improving the quality of life for those who need it most.

If you or someone you know is struggling, don't hesitate to reach out to us and take the first step towards a brighter future.


Amer- An asylum seeker staying in a hotel in Newcastle 

Amer is an asylum seeker staying alone in a hotel room in Newcastle Upon Tyne. He felt isolated and struggled with his mental health due to the challenges of his situation. But when he started receiving support from The Wellness Tribe CIC, his life changed.

We provided him with a range of services, including lived experiences support, food boxes, gym memberships, SIM cards with free Internet and calls, hygine packs, befriending, mentoring, and guidance. With our help, he was able to improve his physical health and mental wellbeing, which had a significant impact on his quality of life.

The lived experiences support was especially helpful, as it allowed him to connect with others who had gone through similar experiences. The guidance and mentoring provided by our team at The Wellness Tribe CIC helped him navigate the complexities of his new reality, and he received assistance with problems he was uncomfortable sharing with others.

Thanks to the help of our organisation, Amer was able to find a sense of community and belonging. He became more confident and proactive in managing his mental health, and his overall wellbeing improved. He even started attending language classes, which was a huge accomplishment for him due to his language barriers.

Amer story is just one example of the positive impact that the Wellness Tribe CIC have on the lives of asylum seekers who feel isolated and alone. Our range of services provides practical and emotional support, which can make a significant difference in improving the quality of life for those who are struggling and in improving services for organisations like Mears- who is our partner in this Project. 

A family of 6 from Tanzania 

The Wellness Tribe CIC is a non-profit organsation that aims to provide support and improve mental health and well-being of individuals and families in need. Our impact is felt by families like this one from Tanzania living in Newcastle Upon Tyne, who have faced many challenges.

The family, consisting of six members with young children and a sick father, were facing financial difficulties due to unemployment and Covid19. The mother had limited English skills, making it difficult for her to communicate and employment. 

The Wellness Tribe CIC stepped in and provided the family with much-needed support. We offered financial assistance, emotional support, and practical help like weekly food parcels. 

The family felt welcomed and supported by our organisation, who demonstrated great care.

Thanks to the help of the Wellness Tribe CIC, the family was able to overcome their challenges and improve their overall well-being. 

The impact of the Wellness Tribe CIC on this family is just one example of the great work that we do to support individuals and families in need. Our services are essential for many vulnerable individuals and families, and our work is a testament to the positive impact that non-profit organisations can have on society.

The single mother of two

Marta had always dreamed of a better life for her two children, but when she arrived in the UK three years ago, she quickly realised that the road ahead would be much more difficult than she had anticipated. As a single mother with no job, no skills, and no knowledge of the English language, Marta struggled to provide for her family.

Despite her best efforts, Marta found it nearly impossible to find employment without any qualifications or language skills. She spent most of her days searching for jobs online, but the constant rejections left her feeling hopeless and defeated.

As the weeks turned into months, Marta's situation grew increasingly dire. She struggled to put food on the table and had to rely on the kindness of strangers to help her make ends meet. Every day was a struggle, and she often found herself wondering how she would make it through another day.

That's when she discovered our help at Wellness Tribe CIC, a local community organisation dedicated to helping families in need. We welcomed Marta with open arms, providing her with food and other essential items to help her get by.

But our work at the Wellness Tribe CIC didn't stop there. We recognised that Marta needed more than just basic necessities to survive. We offered her access to training programs and language classes, helping her build the skills she needed to find a job and support her family.

Thanks to our support, Marta was able to turn her life around. She found a job, started to  learn to speak English, and gained the confidence she needed to become a self-sufficient member of her community.

Today, Marta and her children are thriving. They have a stable home, food on the table, and a bright future ahead of them. And it's all thanks to the kindness and generosity of our team at Wellness Tribe CIC, because we truly care about the wellbeing of our community.