Over the past few years, we forged strong partnerships with a range of agencies, including the NHS, Local Authorities, businesses, charities, and community groups. Through these partnerships, we have been able to offer support that is inclusive, culturally sensitive, and helps break down barriers.

Our focus on mental health and wellbeing support has been a cornerstone of our work with these agencies. By collaborating with the NHS and other organizations, we have been able to offer vital mental health support to individuals and families in need. Additionally, our partnerships with local authorities have helped us provide employability skills and opportunities, as well as access to adult education.

We understand that access to communication is also vital, and we have provided free SIM cards with free calls, messages, and internet to those who may not have access to these resources. By doing so, we have helped bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone has equal access to communication technology.

Our partnerships with other charities and community groups have also allowed us to expand our reach and provide support to even more individuals and families. By working together, we have been able to create a network of resources and support that helps strengthen our communities and promote a more inclusive and equitable society.

We are grateful for these and all of our Partners who are not represented in the images below.